Plotting my life’s course – AfricAid blog
How my life and career choices became purposeful. To read the blog click here
Tietjen named one of 21 Leaders for the 21st Century – Women’s eNews
Women's eNews named Jill Tietjen one of the 2016 21 Leaders for the 21st Century. The honorees are described as women and men who have made it their mission to change the rules that constrict the lives of women and girls, here in the U.S. and around the globe....
Seizing Opportunities – University of Virginia
How did an electrical engineer get to be the CEO of the National Women’s Hall of Fame? I have to admit that it is an unusual and circuitous career path and that many people in my audiences are quite curious about how it happened. Opportunities arise frequently for all...
Steps to Public Speaking Success – University of Virginia
Did you know that Americans are more afraid of public speaking than dying? I remember a day in my fourth year at UVa when I was giving a speech at a student competition and my knees were shaking so badly that I had to grip the podium to remain upright. Today, I speak...
Ensuring Choice, Not Chance, Determines Your Destiny – SWE Conference 2014
Gender. Skin color. Height. Body shape. These physical characteristics can't and shouldn't determine your life path. They occurred by chance. You inherited them from your parents (and you didn't get to choose your parents!). Attitude. Work ethic. Motivation. These...
Practice Makes Perfect: Overcoming Your Fear of Public Speaking – Glass Hammer
Jill Tietjen talks about her motivation to enhance her public speaking with tips that anyone can use. Read it in the Glass Hammer blog
Striking a Balance – SWE Winter 2013
That seemingly elusive ideal of work/life balance may not be as difficult to obtain once we recognize that, like everything else, balance is not a static place but a dynamic state that changes from day to day. To read the full article click here
Riding the Waves – SWE Conference 2012
Challenges and opportunities touch our personal and professional lives. In order to be successful and flourish, it's important to learn to appreciate the highs and weather the lows. For full article click here
The CEO search: Board members, beware – Colorado Biz Magazine
Growth is the cornerstone of corporate strategy. Leaders who can drive corporate growth while motivating the workforce are in high demand. That said, finding the next CEO can be a daunting challenge for the board. Whether the precipitating issue is an impending...
Giving Yourself Permission – SWE Winter 2012
Making a change in your career or educational path can be intimidating - and even frightening. When you learn to trust yourself enough to take risks, however, you might be surprised at how much you're capable of accomplishing. To view full article click here
Designing Your Career Path – SWE Fall 2011
When circumstances cause you to reassess your career plans, take responsibility be gaining clarity of your purpose, identifying your values, and deciding on your definition of success. To view full article click here
Taking a Risk – SWE Conference 2011
Taking risks is a natural part of life. When we were very young, we learned to walk - and it took much time and many efforts. We fell and we picked ourselves up. back link check We learned to ride a bicycle - usually not effortlessly, and usually not the first time we...
Creating Your Coterie – SWE Winter 2011
Have you ever said that your really dear friends keep you from going crazy? Do they provide you with truthful feedback when you come up with ideas for the direction of your life, your career or your selection of a life partner? Are they always there for you when life...
Make Your Age Your Ally – SWE Winter 2010
Whether in the early stages of your career or a veteran of the work force, you can create an environment in which age is a non-issue, and position yourself to be perceived as "just right." To view full article click here
Transforming Obstacles into Opportunities – SWE Fall 2009
You've been laid off. Your spouse has asked you for a divorce. You didn't get a long-sought promotion. Each of us will experience obstacles, both personally and professionally, in our lives. One key to our life success is how we deal with those obstacles. To view full...
Finding Your Voice – SWE Spring 2009
By identifying your core values and using the tools presented in this article, you can handle whatever comes your way. To view full article click here
Reading the Political Tea Leaves – SWE Winter 2008
Are you an engineer who believes that by working hard and keeping your nose clean, your talent will be recognized and you will move forward in your career? Do you go out of your way to avoid office politics because you think they don't involve you? We have bad news...
Keeping the Wind in Your Sails – SWE Summer 2006
Like the golfer who throws blades of grass in the air to determine the direction of the wind, sailors need to examine all of the weather signs to figure out how hard and in which direction the wind is blowing. Keeping the wind in their sails enables sailors to move...
Turning Hope into a Strategy – SWE Spring 2005
You have your heart set on the next big goal in your life - a raise and a significant promotion, a seat on a corporate or non-profit board, an honor or award, a major career shift. Whatever your vision of the future, you will need more than hope to achieve it. To...