
Recipe for Leadership Success

Recipe for Leadership Success

Putting together the various ingredients or tips according to a recipe can yield a delicious meal. Likewise, putting together a variety of skills can lead individuals to leadership success. Click here to read the article.

Life Lessons from Hall of Famers

Life Lessons from Hall of Famers

Personal stories from a longtime SWE member and inductees to halls of fame share the benefits of determination, perseverance, and the value of a sense of humor. Click here to read the article published in the Spring 2023 Society of Women Engineers magazine.

Jill Tietjen Featured on Grow Strong Leaders Podcast

Episode Title Over, Under, Around, and Through Obstacles Description Want some inspiration and practical tips for surmounting obstacles in your life? You’ll get both from Jill Tietjen, who shares stories about the adversity faced by several of the 50 women featured in...

Jill Tietjen featured on Greatness Podcast (Episode 82)

Jill Tietjen featured on Greatness Podcast (Episode 82)

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, or so the saying goes. A woman's resilience is one of her many admirable qualities. When we've been through adversity, we've strengthened ourselves for the next time something equally or more trying comes our way. I have...

Jill Tietjen on BuzzFeed

Jill Tietjen on BuzzFeed

Jill Tietjen's five tips for developing resilience included in Savio Clemente's article on BuzzFeed. Click here to read article (Jill is 20th of 20).