
Jill Tietjen featured in Design World

Jill Tietjen featured in Design World

One issue that frequently comes up for women who are educated as engineers is dealing with the idea that you are different; different from other women, different from male engineers, different from society's expectations of you. Click here to read article.

Jill Tietjen Named Advocate for Women & Girls

  Girl Scouts of Colorado's Women of Distinction selected women for seven awards as part of the 20th anniversary celebration of Women of Distinction.  Jill Tietjen was named Advocate for Women & Girls.  An Advocate for Women & Girls recognizes a Woman of...

Mile High Mentors Podcast

Jill Tietjen is has dedicated her life to helping young girls and women make a difference through philanthropy, mentoring, and more in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineer, and Math, aka STEM. She's a speaker, author of Her Story: A Timeline of the Women Who...

Jill Tietjen profiled on

Jill Tietjen is a fireball of energy and excitement. She has an unceasing passion to talk to anyone about engineering and why she feels that more young women need to consider careers in science, technology, engineering and math, fields known collectively as STEM...

Seizing Opportunities – University of Virginia

How did an electrical engineer get to be the CEO of the National Women’s Hall of Fame? I have to admit that it is an unusual and circuitous career path and that many people in my audiences are quite curious about how it happened. Opportunities arise frequently for all...

Striking a Balance – SWE Winter 2013

That seemingly elusive ideal of work/life balance  may not be as difficult to obtain once we recognize that, like everything else, balance is not a static place but a dynamic state that changes from day to day. To read the full article click here

Riding the Waves – SWE Conference 2012

Challenges and opportunities touch our personal and professional lives. In order to be successful and flourish, it's important to learn to appreciate the highs and weather the lows. For full article click here

Giving Yourself Permission – SWE Winter 2012

Making a change in your career or educational path can be intimidating - and even frightening. When you learn to trust yourself enough to take risks, however, you might be surprised at how much you're capable of accomplishing. To view full article click here  

Designing Your Career Path – SWE Fall 2011

When circumstances cause you to reassess your career plans, take responsibility be gaining clarity of your purpose, identifying your values, and deciding on your definition of success. To view full article click here

Taking a Risk – SWE Conference 2011

Taking risks is a natural part of life. When we were very young, we learned to walk - and it took much time and many efforts. We fell and we picked ourselves up. back link check We learned to ride a bicycle - usually not effortlessly, and usually not the first time we...

Creating Your Coterie – SWE Winter 2011

Have you ever said that your really dear friends keep you from going crazy? Do they provide you with truthful feedback when you come up with ideas for the direction of your life, your career or your selection of a life partner? Are they always there for you when life...

Make Your Age Your Ally – SWE Winter 2010

Whether in the early stages of your career or a veteran of the work force, you can create an environment in which age is a non-issue, and position yourself to be perceived as "just right." To view full article click here

Reading the Political Tea Leaves – SWE Winter 2008

Are you an engineer who believes that by working hard and keeping your nose clean, your talent will be recognized and you will move forward in your career? Do you go out of your way to avoid office politics because you think they don't involve you? We have bad news...

Keeping the Wind in Your Sails – SWE Summer 2006

Like the golfer who throws blades of grass in the air to determine the direction of the wind, sailors need to examine all of the weather signs to figure out how hard and in which direction the wind is blowing. Keeping the wind in their sails enables sailors to move...

Turning Hope into a Strategy – SWE Spring 2005

You have your heart set on the next big goal in your life -  a raise and a significant promotion, a seat on a corporate or non-profit board, an honor or award, a major career shift. Whatever your vision of the future, you will need more than hope to achieve it. To...